Katie Hoffman & Brett Tiller

Cast Iron Restoration
Jonesborough, TN 

In 2016, Katie Hoffman did her father-in-law a favor: Hoping to help his sales, she shared a photo of his vast collection of cast iron skillets, pans, and kettles on her Facebook page. The tremendous response from friends led Katie and her husband, Brett, to realize that they might accidentally have started a business restoring and reselling vintage cast iron. 

They soon sold out and began scouring flea markets, estate sales, and yard sales to find more. Brett, an electronics technician by day, developed a custom method for restoring seriously neglected cast iron back to ready-to-cook condition. “It was supposed to be a hobby, something to do in the fall and winter time when we don’t have the garden and yard work, and we were initially just helping my dad out,” Brett explained. “It is pretty fun to take something that is rusty and crusty, that someone else has discarded, and bring it back to life.”

Today Katie and Brett run Vintage Kitchen Cast Iron & Collectibles. Katie, an Appalachian studies scholar, ballad singer, and expert canner, handwrites labels that tell the story of each pan, including who made it (if known), when it was made, and other facts about its shape and use. She is also the executive director for Create Appalachia, which works to drive economic development in the region by supporting creative entrepreneurs, especially those who combine art and technology to generate new businesses. Create Appalachia is part of the Greater Bristol Folk Arts & Culture Team, a culture collaborative that awarded $52,000 in April 2023 to community artists and organizations in the region, with support from Mid Atlantic Arts’ Central Appalachia Traditions.

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