8 things only Richmond Folk Festival volunteers know

1. You get rock star parking.

While your buds are hunting for a space downtown or waiting for a shuttle bus, you flash your volunteer pass and drive right up and park in a designated lot.


2. It’s a solid strategy for making sure you get the full experience.

One of the biggest challenges of the festival is that there is so much happening, it’s hard to see it all. If you are working the festival, rest-assured, you will be ALL. OVER. IT.


3. Some of the most interesting characters you'll meet are backstage.

Little-known fact: Throat singers and rockabilly bands have roadies - and the stories they can tell are a biographer's dream.

4. “After the show it's the afterparty.”

As the festival winds down on Saturday night, artists gather at an undisclosed location to blow off steam with impromptu jams sessions and revelry. The after party is the hottest ticket around- and you’ve got to be a volunteer to get in.


5. The shortest drink and bathroom lines are the ones at ---

Oh please – we're not telling you that. It's a secret we entrust to you only when we bestow your volunteer t-shirt.

6. A wild music festival is an awfully fun way to earn your volunteer credits.

You know those volunteer credits you have to earn for your school and community groups? Working the fest counts! Where else can you earn those volunteer hours while hanging out with your friends, watching amazing performances and helping bring all of that art and culture to your community?


7. Did we mention volunteer credits?

Come to think of it, state employees get paid time off to volunteer. Autumn is a beautiful time to be outside in the sun by the river instead of sitting at your cubicle and volunteer opportunities include setup and teardown shifts during work-week hours. Skip the business clothes and computer screens for a day and get your hands dirty on the island instead.

8. Early birds get the (best) jobs.

The fest is run almost exclusively by volunteers. They do EVERYTHING, from drink sales to backstage management to security to collecting donations with the Bucket Brigade. Want to blow a whistle and escort performers to their gigs? How about just sitting and watching the shows and taking notes on what songs are sung? 

There's a job for every interest and a shift for every schedule, but the most popular are snapped up early. Get ‘em while you can.

Read about the available jobs and sign up here!